About Us…


Haley Scott DeMaria

Haley offers a unique patient perspective from years of surgeries, therapies, and rehabilitation as a result of injuries sustained in a 1992 bus accident involving the Women’s Swim Team at the University of Notre Dame. Two of her teammates perished in the crash, and Haley faced serious injuries and medical complications. Her first book, What Though The Odds, chronicles Haley’s medical and emotional journey, launched her national speaking career, and is currently optioned to be made into a feature film; only the third movie to be filmed on Notre Dame’s campus.


Diane S. Hopkins

Diane served as one of the nation’s first Chief Experience Officers in the U.S. hospital industry. Diane has worked with health systems around the country to be the voice of the patient as business decisions and strategies are developed.  She is a certified Experience Economy Expert and is a nationally known speaker on the patient experience and safety strategy.  Formerly the Chief Marketing Officer at Memorial Hospital of South Bend and Beacon Health Systems, Diane is the author of the book Unleashing the Chief Moment Officers, and co-author of Wake Up and Smell the Innovation.